Asia-Pacific Journal of Science, Mathematics, and Engineering 2022-03-14T07:52:03+08:00 CHERLY ADLAWAN Open Journal Systems <p>The Asia-Pacific Journal of Science, Mathematics, and Engineering is aimed at providing a publication outlet for researchers in the Asia and Pacific regions.</p> Photopolymerized Talisay (Terminalia catappa) Seed Oil Bio-based Coating: Hardness and Thermal Study 2022-03-14T07:42:49+08:00 Abhel Ananoria Jullifranz Cagulangan Ronelyn Grace Jalique Xela Patrice Pingol <p dir="ltr">The effects of formulation factors on the pencil hardness and thermal degradation properties of a bio-based coating derived from Talisay (Terminalia catappa) seed oil extract were studied. The bio-based coating was prepared using thiol-ene coupling via photopolymerization. Pencil hardness measurements of the film coating were performed and results show that increasing Oil/MDI ratio decreases the hardness of the film coating. Furthermore, thermogravimetric measurements show that the film coating is thermally stable up to 300℃.</p> 2022-03-14T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2022