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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is double-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Langkit: Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities accepts research and review articles. As part of the submission process and to ensure the quality and consistency of the manuscripts, authors are required to comply with the following guidelines. The Journal reserves the right to return any submissions that do not adhere to these guidelines. 

A) Research articles 

Word limit:   8,000 words

Abstract:      250-300 words maximum            

Keywords:    4-6 words

Description: Full length research papers with the following basic parts will be considered for review. 

       a) Introduction discusses background of the study, brief review of pertinent published literatures on the subject, research gap, statement of the problem and theoretical/conceptual framework. 

       b) Review of Related Literature includes a comprehensive summary of previous research done on the current topic. This section should help in establishing the gap of the study. 

       c) Methodology presents concisely the research design, data gathering procedures and statistical procedures, when applicable.

       d) Findings include presentation of the key results with corresponding discussion, analysis or interpretation. Tables and other illustrative materials may be used.

       e) Conclusion

        f) List of References - APA 7th Edition

B) Review Articles

Word limit:     8,000 words 

Abstract:        200 words maximum

Description: Langkit: Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities accepts reviews that are detailed evaluations of the literature in specific study areas relevant to humanities and social sciences. The review must add to understanding gaps or fresh conceptual analyses. Reviews that are descriptive and do not employ systematic approaches will not be considered.

Language. Langkit accepts manuscripts written in English (American English spelling preferred) and/or any Philippine languages provided that an English translation of the abstract is included for the wider audience.

Font and spacing.
All texts, except for the list of references, should be double spaced with font size 12. Prescribed font is Times New Roman. First line of the paragraphs should be indented eight spaces to the right.

All quoted words, phrases and sentences should be enclosed in double quotation  marks. Quotations within quotations should be enclosed in single quotation marks. Quotations longer than four lines may be set off from the text as block quotations.

Italic. Italicize non-English terms or phrases in manuscripts written in English, and italicize English
language terms or phrases in manuscripts written in non-English or Philippine languages.

First-level heading: Title Case & bold
Second-level heading: Sentence case & bold
Third-level heading: Sentence case & italic
Fourth-level heading: Sentence case

Table and illustration. Labels of tables should be placed at the top while labels of figures should be placed at the bottom section. Keep all labels as close as to the tables and figures as possible. Labels should be set in sentence case, end with a period, and labelled with Arabic numerals (e.g.: Table 1, Figure 1).

Notes. Use footnotes only to a minimum. All notes should be numbered in sequence in Arabic numeral, and placed at the end of the main text.

References and text citations. Use American Psychological Association format in referencing. For in-text citations, follow author-date format. Each citation must agree in both name and date to the reference list. Each citation must be found in the reference list, accordingly. The reference list should be single-spaced with the first line hanging. The author holds responsibility to ensure the accuracy of both in-text citations and reference list. Please refer to these examples or check for further guidelines. 

For every submission, authors should upload two documents: Manuscript and Title page with author details. The manuscript should be compliant to the guidelines and should not contain any author details while the title page should indicate the name, email address, and affiliation of all authors.  


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