Martin-Bradley model: discriminate academic performance based on the self-concept of freshmen engineering


  • Luis Arlantico Tattao


Discriminant Analysis, Peer Relation, Personal Worth, Accepting Attitudes, Predictive Values, Sensitivity, Specificity, Accuracy and Error Rates


The Martin-Bradley Discriminant Model (MDM) was used to discriminate the academic performance of freshmen engineering students based on their self-concept scores. The modified self-concept scale with a total of 32 items of which 8, 10, and 14 descriptors about personal worth, accepting attitudes, peer relations respectively was used to 800 freshmen engineering of the Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University – Mid-La Union Campus with an enrolment of 5875 students. Personal worth, accepting attitudes, peer relations seemed to be good criteria that can discriminate between engineering students with low academic performance and those with high academic performance. The model indicated that engineering students exhibiting high scores in at least two self-concepts factors performed high academically and engineering students showing low scores in at least two self-concept factors performed low academically. Among the self-concept factors, accepting attitudes was found the best indicator of academic performance.




How to Cite

Tattao, L. A. (2012). Martin-Bradley model: discriminate academic performance based on the self-concept of freshmen engineering. The Mindanawan Journal of Mathematics, 3(2), 205–222. Retrieved from


