About the Journal
The Asia-Pacific Journal of Science, Mathematics, and Engineering is aimed at providing a publication outlet for researchers in the Asia and Pacific regions. Papers published in the journal covers research in both basic and applied aspects in science, mathematics, and engineering. Review papers are also welcome.
Procedure for Paper Submission
These instructions give you guidelines for preparing papers for the Asia-Pacific Journal of Science, Mathematics, and Engineering (APJSME)
General Guidelines:
Papers are accepted only in English.
Manuscripts should be typewritten following the prescribed template which are available online.
Tables, references and legends for figures should be as short as possible.
Manuscripts should be written in the following order: title; abstract; index terms; main text; acknowledgments; references
Table(s) with caption(s) and figures with caption(s) should be presented after being introduced in the text.
Information on grants received can be included in the acknowledgments section.
Abstracts are required for all papers submitted. The quality of abstracts is particularly important and should state clearly and comprehensively the main arguments made in the paper.
Conclusions of the paper should state clearly what are the answers to the hypothesis made. It might include implications for our understanding of possible R&D issues.
Tables should be included as part of the text. Notes referring to entries in the table should be indicated in an open and closed parenthesis (Table 1) and appear directly above the table.
Tables and figures should be numbered by Arabic numerals. The approximate position of tables and figures should be indicated in the paper. Please supply clear copies of artwork (preferably the originals) for figures in a finished format suitable for reproduction.
References. Journal articles are preferred as source of references although other sources such as books, proceedings are acceptable. Journal titles should not be abbreviated in the reference section.
Each paper should have at least 3-5 index terms or keywords.
All the authors of a paper should include their full names, affiliations, postal addresses, telephone and fax numbers and email addresses on the cover page of the manuscript.
For all manuscripts non-discriminatory language is mandatory. Sexist or racist terms should not be used.
When using a word which is or is asserted to be a proprietary term or trade mark, authors must use the symbol ® or TM.
Any manuscript that does not conform to the above instructions will be returned for the necessary revision before publication.
If you have any questions about the journal or formatting your article, please contact ovcre.dr@g.msuiit.edu.ph.
Word templates are available for this journal. If you are not able to use the template via the links or if you have any other template queries, please contact ovcre.dr@g.msuiit.edu.ph.