The use of computation journals in reducing low achieving students' errors in algebraic rational expressions


  • Rossana Colendra College of Teacher Education, Palawan State University, Philippines


This experimental study evaluated calculation, conceptual, and procedural errors of second year low–achieving students taught using three teaching methods; class instruction with recorded journal writing exercises (RJW), class instruction with unrecorded journal writing exercises(UJW), and class instruction without journal writing exercises(NJW). The study introduced and explored the use of computation journal to assess student’s mathematical understanding, the error patterns, and the effectiveness of journal writing in mathematics instruction.

The multigroup pretest – posttest design was employed in this experimental study conducted at the Palawan State University’s Laboratory High School in the school year 2008- 2009. Thirty – two (32) low achieving second year students who belong to the lowest quartile were selected as the population. Two groups were exposed to computation journal writing exercises – journals were graded for one group and not graded for the other. The third group did not have any journal writing exercise.

Classes exposed to journal writing used computation journal containing the written descriptions of how they solved the problem. The step by step description of student’s solution revealed misconceptions and error patters in solving rational expressions.

A typical low-achieving student committed mostly conceptual and procedural errors. After the experiment, students exposed to recorded and unrecorded journal writing exercises committed significantly less conceptual and procedural errors but not calculation errors resulting from careless solution or answer.

The conclusions drawn from this study strongly justify the use of computation journals as both a teaching and performance-based assessment tool in the mathematics classroom, to supplement regular instruction. This study emphasized that journal writing boosts students’ conceptual understanding and procedural skills.




How to Cite

Colendra, R. (2011). The use of computation journals in reducing low achieving students’ errors in algebraic rational expressions. The Mindanawan Journal of Mathematics, 2(1), 49–53. Retrieved from


