About the Journal

Langkit: Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities is an annual, interdisciplinary and academic journal. Langkit welcomes research manuscripts in the fields of social sciences, cultural studies, literature, humanities and arts, book reviews and creative works. Published annually, Langkit follows the peer review process in evaluating submitted works. 

Langkit: Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (ISSN: 2094-4640; E-ISSN: 2815-2220) is hosted by the College of Arts and Social Sciences and published by the Mindanao State University - Iligan Institute of Technology, Iligan City, Philippines 9200. 


Current Issue

Vol. 11 (2022)
Langkit: Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, Volume 11, 2022


Experiences and Realities: Storytelling's Role in Shaping Perspectives 

Political issues and social crises such as the Israel-Hamas war in the Gaza Strip and the MSU-bombing incident, among other cases, stirred meaningful conversations among communities.  Numerous stories provided varying interpretation and emphasis, reflecting the diversity in perspectives and social background of the audience. 

Narratives play a pivotal role in shaping and constructing the foundation of society. They not only provide insights into our perceptions of the past, present, and future but also contribute significantly to the formation and evolution of societal norms, values, and collective identities. Through narratives, individuals and communities convey their experiences, beliefs, and cultural heritage, thereby influencing and contributing to the foundation of society. This issue of Langkit: Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities presents the varying influence of narratives in our society. 

Federico Magdalena's compelling narrative in the article, “The 1902 Battle of Bayang from the American Perspective,” intricately weaves the story of Meranaw, Filipinos in Bayang, Lanao del Sur, as they valiantly resisted the American colonial forces. Magdalena emphasizes that despite facing greater casualties, the indigenous group maintained resistance against the invading forces. Magdalena's narrative not only chronicles the battle's events but also underscores the enduring spirit and determination of the local resistance, offering a poignant portrayal of historical defiance against colonial domination.

The article "Descend or Defend: Iligan as a Toponym and its Relevance to Local Historiography'' by Almario-Magdadaro and Daug highlights the importance of cultural memory in understanding history, preserving and transmitting collective experiences and narratives from one generation to another. By tapping on the cultural memory of one of the city’s indigenous people, the Higaunon tribe, the authors posit that Iligan as a toponym is based on the earliest culture contact at the mouth of Iligan river, implying the vibrant past activities and why Spanish colonizers chose to establish a fort in the area. Ultimately, these stories and experiences that traverse generations not only shape our identities but also provide a lens through which we interpret history. 

Narratives continue to play a pivotal role in shaping the present, wielding a profound influence on contemporary societies. For example, narratives play a crucial role in the translation process as they help convey not only the literal meaning of the text but also its cultural nuances, context, and underlying emotions. The article by Ramber and Pantorilla, titled “Pagsasalin ng Kuwento ni Paramata Gandingan Mula Wikang Mëranaw Tungo sa Wikang Filipino: Konsiderasyon at Aplikasyon ng mga Dulog at Teknik sa Pagsasaling Kultural'' centers on prioritizing cultural essence during the translation process. The authors use six techniques—such as adaptation, cultural equivalence, modulation, amplification, naturalization, and the combination of multiple techniques (referred to as couplets)—to authentically reflect the Meranaw culture and identity while translating Paramata Gandingan's Meranaw text into Filipino. The article emphasizes the importance of preserving the meaning of each cultural word during the translation process. Consequently, cultural terms were either preserved or appropriately substituted based on their contextual significance.

Institutionally structured narratives are the most common way through which stories and information are shaped and controlled within our societies. The article of Odchigue on “The Philippines-China Maritime Dispute: Mapping Post-Arbitration Narratives and Ways Forward” attempts to comprehend the power play in the Asia-Pacific region and surveyed reasonable options for the resolution of the maritime dispute of the Philippines and China. Odchigue examined the narratives related to the issue and found that the potential pathways to resolve the maritime dispute is through diplomatic activism grounded on mutual interests and advantages on economic, political and administrative imperatives. This article provides a good reference in exploring the diplomatic ties between the Philippines and China, especially with the aggressive behavior displayed by Chinese soldiers towards Filipino fishermen in the West Philippine Sea. The actions taken by government officials against misinformation on social media are linked to the practices of both state and non-state actors in shaping narratives and keeping public support.

This year’s issue of Langkit includes the review of Aguja on the book entitled “Informal Credit (Pagsanda) Among the Tausug of Sulu, Mindanao, Philippines: The Interrelation of Economic, Social and Religious Factors” written by Jamail A. Kamlian and Juvanni Caballero. Aguja highlighted the contribution of the book in the study of Philippine history and society particularly in understanding the nature and causes of the social dynamics in Sulu. Aguja believes that the book extensively explores how money-lending and indebtedness serve as the pivotal forces driving the dynamics of society.  Aguja's review is academically compelling as he expounded on the book's core theoretical ideas and underscored the necessity of filling the gap. The reflections shared in the review provided a comprehensive analysis of the subject matter. 

It is our hope that this issue of Langkit: Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities would inspire readers to share their stories of daily life, struggles and triumphs. We encourage thought-provoking pieces that delve deeper into stories of courage and resilience in times of crisis and injustice. We believe that fostering a culture of storytelling will not only promote empathy and understanding but also inspire solidarity and resilience within our community. However, it is crucial to approach narratives critically, considering the prevalence of misinformation and its potential impact on shaping perceptions and beliefs. The pervasive influence of social media exposes the public to inaccurate narratives and various forms of misinformation, thereby increasing the risks of historical distortions and the potential for a misled public opinion.

In essence, narratives serve as a powerful lens through which we perceive and understand the diverse experiences and realities within our societies. Through storytelling, we not only share our experiences but also shape societal norms, values, and collective identities.

Hazel D. Jovita-Olvez, PhD


Published: 12/10/2022
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