About the Journal
In general, the Asia Pacific Journal of Social Innovation (formerly The Mindanao Forum )is a multidisciplinary, refereed professional journal that publishes articles dealing with education, business, economics, social sciences and health sciences.
The Asia Pacific Journal of Social Innovation is published twice a year. Deadline of submissions for the June issue is every January 5 and June 30 for the December issue.
Author’s Guidelines
- Authors should ensure that submitted articles have been thoroughly proofread and polished. They should also ensure that articles follow the journal’s template.
- The Asia Pacific Journal of Social Innovation welcomes submissions of original, substantial, unpublished research on the fields of education, social sciences, business and health sciences, thereby providing a platform for interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary works.
- The Asia Pacific Journal of Social Innovation follows the double-blind review process. The Editorial Board ensures that no names appear on the manuscript during review.
- The author/s’ brief biodata and contact information should appear at the end of the manuscript.
- The Editorial Board reserves the right to conduct a plagiarism check on the submitted articles. Manuscripts which are found out to be plagiarized will immediately be rejected and the author/s be prohibited to submit any articles to the Asia Pacific Journal of Social Innovation from thereon.
- Articles which do not adhere to the manuscript guidelines will not be considered for review nor publication.
- Author/s should submit their manuscript in Word file.
- Articles submitted to the Asia Pacific Journal of Social Innovation should not be submitted or considered for publication in other journals.
- A cover letter is required to state that the manuscript is original, has not been published or is not in any consideration by any publisher upon its submission and that permission has been granted the author to reproduce copyrighted materials from other sources.
- The Editorial Board has the final decision on the acceptance and rejection of the submitted articles.
- Submission of the articles must include names of at least possible two reviewers from different institutions, complete with their addresses, designations and email addresses.
- All published articles are under the copyright of MSU-IIT.
- All articles and works shall be submitted through this portal: https://sites.google.com/g.msuiit.edu.ph/themindanaoforum/home. Articles submitted through the email address of Asia Pacific Journal of Social Innovation will not be entertained.