Vol. 37 No. 1 (2025)ASIA PACIFIC JOURNAL OF SOCIAL INNOVATION (formerly The Mindanao Forum) is a refereed, semi-annual journal devoted to a scholarly discussion of subjects in the arts, humanities, sciences, and technology. The views and opinions expressed in its pages are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official views or policies of MSU-IIT or the Editorial Board. Materials published here may not be reproduced without the permission of the authors and the publisher.
Editor in Chief:
Primitivo III C. Ragandang
Editorial Board Members based at MSU-IIT:
Marjorie Joy S. Almario-Magdadaro
Amabelle A. Embornas
Safa D. Manala-o
Jun Karren V. Caparoso
Minnie B. Mamauag
Mae-lanie O. Poblete
Mario C. Novino
Michael Lloyd A. Bation
Shelanee Theresa P. RualesEditorial Board Members based outside MSU-IIT and Internationally:
Ma Yuchen - Peking University
Oona Thommes Paredes - University of California, Los Angeles
Clarence M. Batan - University of Santo Tomas
Vicente Villan - University of the Philippines Diliman
Janet Alexis De Los Santos - Visayas State University
Sandeep Poddar- Lincoln University College-Malaysia
Retchell Morales - De La Salle University
Ringgold Atienza - De La Salle University
Chokchai Yuenyong - Khon Kaen University
Daisy R. Palompon - Cebu Normal University
Laurence Garcia - Cebu Normal University
Julienne Ivan Soberano - University of the Philippines Manila
Eko Yuliyanto - University of Muhammadiyah SemarangManaging Editor:
Rholaisa B. Mamailao
Production/Circulation Manager:
Cherly S. Adlawan
Vol. 36 No. 2 (2024)ASIA PACIFIC JOURNAL OF SOCIAL INNOVATION (formerly The Mindanao Forum) is a refereed, semi-annual journal devoted to a scholarly discussion of subjects in the arts, humanities, sciences, and technology. The views and opinions expressed in its pages are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official views or policies of MSU-IIT or the Editorial Board. Materials published here may not be reproduced without the permission of the authors and the publisher.
Editorial Board
Managing Editor:
- Rholaisa B. Mamailao
Production Manager
- Cherly S. Adlawan
Vol. 36 No. 1 (2024)ASIA PACIFIC JOURNAL OF SOCIAL INNOVATION (formerly The Mindanao Forum) is a refereed, semi-annual journal devoted to a scholarly discussion of subjects in the arts, humanities, sciences, and technology. The views and opinions expressed in its pages are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official views or policies of MSU-IIT or the Editorial Board. Materials published here may not be reproduced without the permission of the authors and the publisher.
Editorial Board
Managing Editor:
- Rholaisa B. Mamailao
Production Manager
- Cherly S. Adlawan
Vol. 34 No. 2 (2023)THE MINDANAO FORUM (formerly The Technician) is a refereed, semi-annual journal devoted to a scholarly discussion of subjects in the arts, humanities, sciences, and technology. The views and opinions expressed in its pages are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official views or policies of MSU-IIT or the Editorial Board. Materials published here may not be reproduced without the permission of the authors and the publisher.
Editor In Chief Nelia G. Balgoa
Production / Circulation Manager Cherly S. Adlawan
Social Sciences Hilton J. Aguja
Arnold P. Alamon
Nelia G. Balgoa
Irish Mae F. Dalona
Amabelle A. Embornas
Business Administration Safa D. Manala-o
Alita T. Roxas
Education Jun Karren V. Caparoso
Nursing Minnie B. Mamauag
Mae-Lanie O. Poblete
Vol. 33 No. 2 (2020)THE MINDANAO FORUM (formerly The Technician) is a refereed, semi-annual journal devoted to a scholarly discussion of subjects in the arts, humanities, sciences, and technology. The views and opinions expressed in its pages are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official views or policies of MSU-IIT or the Editorial Board. Materials published here may not be reproduced without the permission of the authors and the publisher.
Copy Editor Arnold P. Alamon
Production Cherly S. Adlawan
Issue Editor Amabelle A. Embornas
Associate Editor German V. Ignacio
Social Sciences Hilton J. Aguja
Arnold P. Alamon
Nelia G. Balgoa
Irish Mae F. Dalona
Amabelle A. Embornas
Business Administration Safa D. Manala-o
Alita T. Roxas
Education Jun Karren V. Caparos
Nursing Minnie B. Mamauag
Mae-Lanie O. Poblete
Staff Bainorah I. Amate
Michael Hilarion P. Cabili
Irene A. Estrada
Bairam M. Nacas
Michelle Anne L. Ferolino
Eulalie Mae C. Zamora
Mark R. Liao
Vol. 33 No. 1 (2020)THE MINDANAO FORUM (formerly The Technician) is a refereed, semi-annual journal devoted to a scholarly discussion of subjects in the arts, humanities, sciences, and technology. The views and opinions expressed in its pages are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official views or policies of MSU-IIT or the Editorial Board. Materials published here may not be reproduced without the permission of the authors and the publisher.
Copy Editor Arnold P. Alamon
Production Cherly S. Adlawan
Issue Editor Amabelle A. Embornas
Associate Editor German V. Ignacio
Social Sciences Hilton J. Aguja
Arnold P. Alamon
Nelia G. Balgoa
Irish Mae F. Dalona
Amabelle A. Embornas
Business Administration Safa D. Manala-o
Alita T. Roxas
Education Jun Karren V. Caparos
Nursing Minnie B. Mamauag
Mae-Lanie O. Poblete
Staff Bainorah I. Amate
Michael Hilarion P. Cabili
Irene A. Estrada
Bairam M. Nacas
Michelle Ann L. Ferolino
Eulalie Mae C. Zamora
Mark R. Liao
Vol. 32 No. 2 (2019)THE MINDANAO FORUM (formerly The Technician) is a refereed, semi-annual journal devoted to a scholarly discussion of subjects in the arts, humanities, sciences, and technology. The views and opinions expressed in its pages are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official views or policies of MSU-IIT or the Editorial Board. Materials published here may not be reproduced without the permission of the authors and the publisher.
Executive Editor Jinky B. Bornales
Editor-in-Chief Nelia G. Balgoa
Social Sciences Hilton J. Aguja
Arnold P. Alamon
Nelia G. Balgoa
Irish Mae F. Dalona
Amabelle A. Embornas
Business Administration Alita T. Roxas
Safa D. Manala-o
Education Jun Karren V. Caparoso
Nursing Minnie B. Mamauag
Mae-Lanie O. Poblete
Copy Editor Arnold P. Alamon
Issue Editor Amabelle A. Embornas
Production Manager Cherly S. Adlawan
Staff Bainorah I. Amate
Michael Hilarion P. Cabili
Irene A. Estrada
Bairam M. Nacas
Michelle Ann L. Ferolino
Eulalie Mae C. Zamora
Mark R. Liao
Vol. 32 No. 1 (2019)THE MINDANAO FORUM (formerly The Technician) is a refereed, semi-annual journal devoted to a scholarly discussion of subjects in the arts, humanities, sciences, and technology. The views and opinions expressed in its pages are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official views or policies of MSU-IIT or the Editorial Board. Materials published here may not be reproduced without the permission of the authors and the publisher.
Copy Editor Arnold P. Alamon
Production Cherly S. Adlawan
Editor Evelyn C. Creencia
Issue Editor Amabelle A. Embornas
Social Sciences Hilton J. Aguja
Biology and Allied Fields Ephrime B. Metillo
Business Administration Alita T. Roxas
Engineering Ruben L. Menchavez
Language & Literature Nelia G. Balgoa
Engineering Technology Roberto M. Malaluan
Mathematics Sergio R. Canoy, Jr.
Vol. 31 No. 2 (2018)THE MINDANAO FORUM (formerly The Technician) is a refereed, semi-annual journal devoted to a scholarly discussion of subjects in the arts, humanities, sciences, and technology. The views and opinions expressed in its pages are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official views or policies of MSU-IIT or the Editorial Board. Materials published here may not be reproduced without the permission of the authors and the publisher.
Copy Editor Bennet G. Gozo
Production Cherly S. Adlawan
Editor Evelyn C. Creencia
Issue Editor Metodia M. Trinidad
Social Sciences Hilton J. Aguja
Biology and Allied Fields Ephrime B. Metillo
Business Administration Alita T. Roxas
Engineering Ruben L. Menchavez
Language and Literature Nelia G. Balgoa
Engineering Technology Roberto M. Malaluan
Mathematics Sergio R. Canoy, Jr.
Education Virginia Sombilon
Vol. 30 No. 1 (2017)THE MINDANAO FORUM (formerly The Technician) is a refereed, semi-annual journal devoted to a scholarly discussion of subjects in the arts, humanities, sciences, and technology. The views and opinions expressed in its pages are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official views or policies of MSU-IIT or the Editorial Board. Materials published here may not be reproduced without the permission of the authors and the publisher.
Copy Editor Bennet G. Gozo
Production Cherly S. Adlawan
Editor Franco G. Teves
Issue Editor Nelia G. Balgoa
Ivie C. Esteban
Irish Mae G. Fernandez
Alita T. Roxas
Social Sciences Hilton J. Aguja
Biology and Allied Fields Ephrime B. Metillo
Business Administration Alita T. Roxas
Engineering Ruben L. Menchavez
Language and Literature Nelia G. Balgoa
Engineering Technology Roberto M. Malaluan
Mathematics Sergio R. Canoy, Jr.
Education Virginia Sombilon
Vol. 26 No. 2 (2013)THE MINDANAO FORUM (formerly The Technician) is a refereed, semi-annual journal devoted to a scholarly discussion of subjects in the arts, humanities, sciences, and technology. The views and opinions expressed in its pages are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official views or policies of MSU-IIT or the Editorial Board. Materials published here may not be reproduced without the permission of the authors and the publisher.
Copy Editor Bennet G. Gozo
Production Cherly S. Adlawan
Circulation Ofelia C. Taneo
Editor Christine F. Godinez-Ortega
Social Sciences Hilton G Aguja
Biology and Allied Fields Ephrime B. Metillo
Business Administration Alita T. Roxas
Engineering Ruben L. Menchavez
Language & Literature Nelia G Balgoa
Engineering Technology Roberto M. Malaluan
Mathematics Sergio R. Canoy, Jr.
Education Virginia Sombilon
State University of Southern California Efren N. PadillaDe La Salle University Severino V. Gervacio
Silliman University Hilconida P. Calumpong
University of Cairo Maha EI-Said
University of Hawaii -Manoa Aurelio T. Agcaoili
University of Hawaii -Manoa Patricio N. Abinales
Bryn Mawr University Alfonso M. Albano
Royal Melbourne Institute
of Technology University Ali Akbar Akbar ZadehUniversity of Los Angeles California Brandon Reilly.
Vol. 26 No. 1 (2013)THE MINDANAO FORUM (formerly The Technician) is a semi-annual journal devoted to a scholarly discussion of subjects in the arts, humanities, sciences, and technology. The views and opinions expressed in its pages are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official views or policies of MSU-IIT or the Editorial Board. Materials published here may not be reproduced without the permission of the authors and the publisher.
Copy Editor Bennet G, Gozo
Editorial Assistant Leda C. Gonzales
Production Cherly S. Adlawan
Circulation Ofella C, Taneo
Editor ChristinoF. Godinez-Ortoga
Social Sciences L.C. Sevidal Castro
Biology and Alled Fields Ephrimo B. Metillo
Business Administration Allta T. Roxas
Engineering Ruben L. Menchavoz
Language & Literature Lorry G. Lao-Valdoz
Engineering Technology Roberto M. Malaluan
Mathematics Serglo R. Canoy, Jr.
Education Virginla Sombllon
State University of Southem California Efren N. Padilla
De La Salle University Soverlno V. Gorvacio
Silliman Universily Hilconlda P. Calumpong
University of Cairo Maha El-Sald
University of Hawai -Manoa Aurollo T. Agcaoll
University of Hawaii -Manoa Patrlclo N. Ablnalos
Bryn Mawr Unlversity Alfonso M. Alban
Royal Molboume Institute of Technology Universily All Akbar Akbar Zadeh
Unlversity of Los Angeles California Brandon Rolly
Vol. 25 No. 1 (2012)THE MINDANAO FORUM (formerly The Technician) is a refereed, semi-annual journal devoted to a scholarly discussion of subjects in the arts, humanities, sciences, and technology. The views and opinions expressed in its pages are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official views or policies of MSU-IIT or the Editorial Board. Materials published here may not be reproduced without the permission of the authors and the publisher.
Copy Editor Bennet G, Gozo
Editorial Assistant Leda C. Gonzales
Production Cherly S. Adlawan
Circulation Ofella C. Taneo
Editor Christine F. Godinez-Ortega
Social Sciences L.C. Sevidal Castro
Biology and Alled Fields Ephrime B. Metillo
Business Administration Alita T. Roxas
Engineering Ruben L. Menchavez
Language & Literature Lerry G. Lao-Valdoz
Engineering Technology Roberto M. Malaluan
Mathematics Sergio R. Canoy, Jr.
Education Virginla Sombllon
State University of Southem California Efren N. Padilla
De La Salle University Soverlno V. Gorvacio
Silliman Universily Hilconlda P. Calumpong
University of Cairo Maha El-Sald
University of Hawai -Manoa Aurollo T. Agcaoll
University of Hawaii -Manoa Patrlclo N. Ablnalos
Bryn Mawr Unlversity Alfonso M. Alban
Royal Molboume Institute of Technology Universily All Akbar Akbar Zadeh
Unlversity of Los Angeles California Brandon Rolly
Vol. 24 No. 1 (2011)THE MINDANAO FORUM (formerly The Technician) is a refereed, semi-annual journal devoted to a scholarly discussion of subjects in the arts, humanities, sciences, and technology. The views and opinions expressed in its pages are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official views or policies of MSU-IIT or the Editorial Board. Materials published here may not be reproduced without the permission of the authors and the publisher.
Copy Editor Bennet G. Gozo
Editorial Assistant Leda C. Gonzales
Production Cherly S. Adlawan
Circulation Ofella C. Taneo
Editor Christine F. Godinez-Ortega
Social Sciences L.C. Sevidal Castro
Biology and Alled Fields Ephrime B. Metillo
Business Administration Alita T. Roxas
Engineering Ruben L. Menchavoz
Language & Literature Lerry G. Lao-Valdoz
Engineering Technology Roberto M. Malaluan
Mathematics Sergio R. Canoy, Jr.
Education Virginla Sombllon
The tinalak cloth is hand-woven from abaca fiber by the T'bolis who are concentrated around Lake Sebu, South Cotabato. It is predominantly dyed with earthy colors: rust, brown, and black. The close association of the T"bolis with the animal world is reflected in the usual design patterns of the tinalk: stylized frogs, worms, snakes, crocodiles, lizards and other animals in a linear field representing vines and grasses. The name T'boli comes from two root words; tau (meaning small human creature) and bili (meaning fruit of the wild vine).
Vol. 23 No. 1 (2010)THE MINDANAO FORUM (formerly The Technician) is a refereed, semi-annual journal devoted to a scholarly discussion of subjects in the arts, humanities, sciences, and technology. The views and opinions expressed in its pages are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official views or policies of MSU-IIT or the Editorial Board. Materials published here may not be reproduced without the permission of the authors and the publisher.
Copy Editor Christine F. Godinez-Ortega
Copy Editor Bennet G. Gozo
Editorial Assistant Alicia D. Bartolome
Circulation Ofelia C, Taneo
Production Cherly S. AdlawanEDITORIAL BOARD
Chair Christine F. Godinez-Ortega
Social Sciences L.C, Sevidal Castro
Biology and Allied Fields Ephrime B. Metillo
Business Administration Alita T. Roxas
Engineering Ruben L. Menchavez
Language and Literature Luvizminda Cagas de la Cruz
Engineering Technology Roberto M. Malaluan
Mathematics Sergio R. Canoy, Jr.
Education Virginia Sombilon
Vol. 23 No. 2 (2010)THE MINDANAO FORUM (formerly The Technician) is a refereed, semi-annual journal devoted to a scholarly discussion of subjects in the arts, humanities, sciences, and technology. The views and opinions expressed in its pages are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official views or policies of MSU-IIT or the Editorial Board. Materials published here may not be reproduced without the permission of the authors and the publisher.
Copy Editor Bennet G. Gozo
Editorial Assistant Leda C. Gonzales
Production Cherly S. Adlawan
Circulation Ofelia C. Taneo
Editor Christine F. Godinez-Ortega
Social Sciences L.C Sevidal Castro
Biology and Allied Fields Ephrime B. Metillo
Business Administration Alita T. Roxas
Engineering Ruben L. Menchavez
Language and Literature Luzviminda Cagas de la Cruz
Engineering Technology Roberto M. Malaluan
Mathematics Sergio R. Canoy, Jr.
Education Virginia Sombilon
The Technician
Vol. 5 No. 1 (1986)THE TECHNICIAN is a semi-annual journal devoted to a scholarly discussion of subjects in the arts, humanities, sciences, and technology. The views and opinions expressed in its pages are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official views or policies of MSU-IIT or the Editorial Board.
Materials published here may not be reproduced without the permission of the au thors and the Publisher.Board of Editors:
Editor-in-Chief: Luis Q. Lacar
Associate Editor: Christine Godinez-Ortega
Business Manager: Jimmy Balacuit
Member: Severino V. Gervacio
Vol. 9 No. 2 (1994)THE MINDANAO FORUM Vol. 13 No. 1 (1998)THE MINDANAO FORUM (formerly The Technician) is a refereed, semi-annual journal devoted to a scholarly discussion of subjects in the arts, humanities, sciences, and technology. The views and opinions expressed in its pages are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official views or policies of MSU-IIT or the Editorial Board. Materials published here may not be reproduced without the permission of the authors and the publisher.
Copy Editor Arnold P. Alamon
Production Cherly S. Adlawan
Issue Editor Amabelle A. Embornas
Associate Editor German V. Ignacio
Social Sciences Hilton J. Aguja
Arnold P. Alamon
Nelia G. Balgoa
Irish Mae F. Dalona
Amabelle A. Embornas
Business Administration Safa D. Manala-o
Alita T. Roxas
Education Jun Karren V. Caparos
Nursing Minnie B. Mamauag
Mae-Lanie O. Poblete
Staff Bainorah I. Amate
Michael Hilarion P. Cabili
Irene A. Estrada
Bairam M. Nacas
Michelle Ann L. Ferolino
Eulalie Mae C. Zamora
Mark R. Liao
Vol. 13 No. 1 (1998)THE MINDANAO FORUM (formerly The Technician) is a refereed, semi-annual journal devoted to a scholarly discussion of subjects in the arts, humanities, sciences, and technology. The views and opinions expressed in its pages are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official views or policies of MSU-IIT or the Editorial Board. Materials published here may not be reproduced without the permission of the authors and the publisher.
Copy Editor Arnold P. Alamon
Production Cherly S. Adlawan
Issue Editor Amabelle A. Embornas
Associate Editor German V. Ignacio
Social Sciences Hilton J. Aguja
Arnold P. Alamon
Nelia G. Balgoa
Irish Mae F. Dalona
Amabelle A. Embornas
Business Administration Safa D. Manala-o
Alita T. Roxas
Education Jun Karren V. Caparos
Nursing Minnie B. Mamauag
Mae-Lanie O. Poblete
Staff Bainorah I. Amate
Michael Hilarion P. Cabili
Irene A. Estrada
Bairam M. Nacas
Michelle Ann L. Ferolino
Eulalie Mae C. Zamora
Mark R. Liao
The Muranao Kakolintang (An Approach to the Repertoire)
Vol. 3 No. 1 (1985)This book was originally produced as a Ph.D. dissertation in music for the University of Washington, 1976. In its present form it is published without any alteration in the text, except for minor editorial changes and exclusion of some pages which were only needed for the graduate school.
U.S. Copyright © 1976 by Steven Walter Otto and Usopay Hamdag Cadar
Philippine Copyright © 1985 by Steven Walter Otto, Usopay Hamdag Cadar Mindanao State University - Iligan Institute of Technology (Iligan City) and Mindanao State University (Marawi City)
Special Board of Editors:
Luis Q. Lacar
Mamitua Saber
Federico V. Magdalena
Raymond LlorcaCover designed by: Dennis Orellana
ISBN 971-111-031-8
ISSN 0115-7982Jointly published by
*Coordinator Center for Research and Development MSU-Iligan Institute of Technology (Iligan City)
* University Research Center Mindanao State University (Marawi City) -
The Technician
Vol. 6 No. 1 (1987)THE TECHNICIAN is a semi-annual journal devoted to a scholarly discussion of subjects in the arts, humanities, sciences, and technology. The views and opinions expressed in its pages are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official views or policies of MSU-IIT or the Editorial Board.
Materials published here may not be reproduced without the permission of the au thors and the Publisher.Board of Editors:
Editor-in-Chief: Luis Q. Lacar
Associate Editor: Christine Godinez-Ortega
Business Manager: Jimmy Balacuit
Member: Severino V. Gervacio
The Technician
Vol. 7 No. 1 (1988)THE TECHNICIAN is a semi-annual journal devoted to a scholarly discussion of subjects in the arts,humanities, sciences, and technology. The views and opinnions expressed in its pages are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official viewa or policies of MSU-IIT or the Editorial Board. Materials Published here may not be reproduced without the permission of the authors and the publisher. Inquiries regarding permission to use any material may be sent directly to:
Editor: Dr. Riorita E. Ceniza
Associate Editor: Mr. Felix Pancho
Business Manager: Mr. Eduardito C. Maruhom
Members: Dr. Severino V. Gervacio.
Mr. Paulino SanchezMr. Paulino Gamolo
Vol. 25 No. 2 (2012)THE MINDANAO FORUM (formerly The Technician) is a semi-annual journal devoted to a scholarly discussion of subjects in the arts, humanities, sciences, and technology. The views and opinions expressed in its pages are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official views or policies of MSU-IIT or the Editorial Board. Materials published here may not be reproduced without the permission of the authors and the publisher.
Copy Editor Bennet G, Gozo
Editorial Assistant Leda C. Gonzales
Production Cherly S. Adlawan
Circulation Ofella C, Taneo
Editor ChristinoF. Godinez-Ortoga
Social Sciences L.C. Sevidal Castro
Biology and Alled Fields Ephrimo B. Metillo
Business Administration Allta T. Roxas
Engineering Ruben L. Menchavoz
Language & Literature Lorry G. Lao-Valdoz
Engineering Technology Roberto M. Malaluan
Mathematics Serglo R. Canoy, Jr.
Education Virginla Sombllon
State University of Southem California Efren N. Padilla
De La Salle University Soverlno V. Gorvacio
Silliman Universily Hilconlda P. Calumpong
University of Cairo Maha El-Sald
University of Hawai -Manoa Aurollo T. Agcaoll
University of Hawaii -Manoa Patrlclo N. Ablnalos
Bryn Mawr Unlversity Alfonso M. Alban
Royal Molboume Institute of Technology Universily All Akbar Akbar Zadeh
Unlversity of Los Angeles California Brandon Rolly
Vol. 24 No. 2 (2011)THE MINDANAO FORUM (formerly The Technician) is a semi-annual journal devoted to a scholarly discussion of subjects in the arts, humanities, sciences, and technology. The views and opinions expressed in its pages are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official views or policies of MSU-IIT or the Editorial Board. Materials published here may not be reproduced without the permission of the authors and the publisher.
Copy Editor Bennet G, Gozo
Editorial Assistant Leda C. Gonzales
Production Cherly S. Adlawan
Circulation Ofella C, Taneo
Editor ChristinoF. Godinez-Ortoga
Social Sciences L.C. Sevidal Castro
Biology and Alled Fields Ephrimo B. Metillo
Business Administration Allta T. Roxas
Engineering Ruben L. Menchavoz
Language & Literature Lorry G. Lao-Valdoz
Engineering Technology Roberto M. Malaluan
Mathematics Serglo R. Canoy, Jr.
Education Virginla Sombllon
State University of Southem California Efren N. Padilla
De La Salle University Soverlno V. Gorvacio
Silliman Universily Hilconlda P. Calumpong
University of Cairo Maha El-Sald
University of Hawai -Manoa Aurollo T. Agcaoll
University of Hawaii -Manoa Patrlclo N. Ablnalos
Bryn Mawr Unlversity Alfonso M. Alban
Royal Molboume Institute of Technology Universily All Akbar Akbar Zadeh
Unlversity of Los Angeles California Brandon Rolly
Vol. 30 No. 1 (2017)THE MINDANAO FORUM (formerly The Technician) is a semi-annual journal devoted to a scholarly discussion of subjects in the arts, humanities, sciences, and technology. The views and opinions expressed in its pages are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official views or policies of MSU-IIT or the Editorial Board. Materials published here may not be reproduced without the permission of the authors and the publisher.
Copy Editor: Bennet G. Gozo
Production: Cherly S. Adlawan
Editorial Board:
Editor: Franco G. Teves
Issue Editors: Nelia G. Balgoa
Ivie C. Esteban
Irish Mae G. Fernandez
Alita T. Roxas
Social Sciences: Hilton J. Aguja
Biology and Allied Fields: Ephrime B. Metillo
Business Administration: Alita T. Roxas
Engineering: Ruben L. Mechavez
Language & Literature: Nelia G. Balgoa
Engineering Technology: Roberto M. Malaluan
Mathematics: Sergio R. Canoy Jr.
Education: Virginia Sombilon