Vol. 26 No. 2 (2013): THE MINDANAO FORUM

THE MINDANAO FORUM (formerly The Technician) is a refereed, semi-annual journal devoted to a scholarly discussion of subjects in the arts, humanities, sciences, and technology. The views and opinions expressed in its pages are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official views or policies of MSU-IIT or the Editorial Board. Materials published here may not be reproduced without the permission of the authors and the publisher.
Copy Editor Bennet G. Gozo
Production Cherly S. Adlawan
Circulation Ofelia C. Taneo
Editor Christine F. Godinez-Ortega
Social Sciences Hilton G Aguja
Biology and Allied Fields Ephrime B. Metillo
Business Administration Alita T. Roxas
Engineering Ruben L. Menchavez
Language & Literature Nelia G Balgoa
Engineering Technology Roberto M. Malaluan
Mathematics Sergio R. Canoy, Jr.
Education Virginia Sombilon
State University of Southern California Efren N. Padilla
De La Salle University Severino V. Gervacio
Silliman University Hilconida P. Calumpong
University of Cairo Maha EI-Said
University of Hawaii -Manoa Aurelio T. Agcaoili
University of Hawaii -Manoa Patricio N. Abinales
Bryn Mawr University Alfonso M. Albano
Royal Melbourne Institute
of Technology University Ali Akbar Akbar Zadeh
University of Los Angeles California Brandon Reilly.