Vol. 3 No. 1 (1985): The Muranao Kakolintang (An Approach to the Repertoire)

					View Vol. 3 No. 1 (1985): The Muranao Kakolintang  (An Approach to the Repertoire)

This book was originally produced as a Ph.D. dissertation in music for the University of Washington, 1976. In its present form it is published without any alteration in the text, except for minor editorial changes and exclusion of some pages which were only needed for the graduate school.

U.S. Copyright © 1976 by Steven Walter Otto and Usopay Hamdag Cadar

Philippine Copyright © 1985 by Steven Walter Otto, Usopay Hamdag Cadar Mindanao State University - Iligan Institute of Technology (Iligan City) and Mindanao State University (Marawi City)


Special Board of Editors:
Luis Q. Lacar
Mamitua Saber
Federico V. Magdalena
Raymond Llorca

Cover designed by:   Dennis Orellana

ISBN 971-111-031-8
ISSN 0115-7982

Jointly published by
*Coordinator Center for Research and Development MSU-Iligan Institute of Technology (Iligan City)
* University Research Center Mindanao State University (Marawi City)

Published: 05/02/2024