Composition, Depth Distribution and Relative Abundance of Corals Colonizing the Artificial Reef Tire Modules in Dalipuga, Iligan City, Mindanao


  • Angelo A. Responte
  • Patria Rosales-Apao


Antificial tire reef modules,, corals,, abundance, colonization


Assessment of the coral community colonizing the 8 year old- artificial reef tire modules deployed at 8 to 27 m depth at Dalipuga, Iligan City. (Mindanao, Philippines) was done from November 1996 to January 1997 to serve as a baseline information on the colonization of artificial reefs as no previous studies had been done in the area. Twelve (12) coral families and nineteen (19) genera were observed in all the upright modules studied. Family Favidae was represented by the genus Favia, Favites, Montastrea and Goniastrea. More coral genera colonized the modules at 8 m (11) and 24 m depth (14) than at 24 m and 27 m depths. Dendronephthya had more colonies (20) followed by Favites (11), Favia (9) and Porites (9) in all the tire modules at all sampling depths. The hermatypic coral Fungia was observed in all modules at all sampling depths but with relatively few colonies. 



How to Cite

A. Responte, A. ., & Rosales-Apao, P. . (2024). Composition, Depth Distribution and Relative Abundance of Corals Colonizing the Artificial Reef Tire Modules in Dalipuga, Iligan City, Mindanao . ASIA PACIFIC JOURNAL OF SOCIAL INNOVATION, 12(2), 173–188. Retrieved from