Esterase Heterogeneity in Selected Aquarium Fishes


  • Cesar Demayo
  • Charles Rainer Marquez


This study was conducted to determine biochemical genetic diversity between commonly reared aquarium fish species. Es/erase gene loci were evaluated base~ on protein products elucidated by electrophoresis. There were 11 different Isozymes identified based on the relative mobility of the bands. Based on esterase patterns, the different species were observed to be genetically-differentiated. Fish species were obsen,ed to differ from each other based on Jsozymes expressed.



How to Cite

Demayo, C., & Marquez, C. . R. (2024). Esterase Heterogeneity in Selected Aquarium Fishes. ASIA PACIFIC JOURNAL OF SOCIAL INNOVATION, 13(2). Retrieved from

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