Adaptation of a Gasoline-Fueled Conventional Engine into a Purified Biogas-Fueled Engine for Power Generation


  • Noel M. Hernandez
  • Eliseo P. Villanueva


biogas, alternative, fuel, biogas purification, conventional, engine, modification


A Kubota AD3500 spark ignition engine was modified for a purified biogas operation. Provision was done for the inlet of the purified biogas, adjustment of the spark plug gap setting and assessment of the ignition timing. The purification process of the biogas was also done by attaching two drum purification system arranged in series into an existing semi continuous biogas digester. One drum is for the removal of COz and the other for removal of H2S. The purified biogas-fueled engine was tested for smoothness in operation, overall thermal efficiency and specific fuel consumption. Tests were conducted at different loads, rpm, fuel inlet pressure and air fuel ratio. Gas analyses at the inlet and exhaust were conducted in every experimental run. Results indicate that with proper engine modification and biogas purification, a_ purified biogas is a very good engine fuel alternative.



How to Cite

M. Hernandez, N. ., & P. Villanueva, E. (2024). Adaptation of a Gasoline-Fueled Conventional Engine into a Purified Biogas-Fueled Engine for Power Generation. ASIA PACIFIC JOURNAL OF SOCIAL INNOVATION, 23(2), 99–126. Retrieved from