Towards Developing Team Management Software for Online Freelancing Work Office Using the Slack Collaboration Tool


  • Eddie Bouy B. Palad
  • Kirby G. Capangpangan
  • Mailyn Joy S. Correos
  • Marjorie M. Tabigue


Virtual Teams, Online Jobs, Time Tracker, Team Management, Software Engineering


Computers changed the way we think, learn, communicate, and recently, including the way we work. Aocording to statistics, a lot of people are now engaging in what wo now know as Online Preelance work, or what we commonly cull as Online Jobs. Because of this trend, employers have difficulty in managing their human rasources especially if such online employees havo to wark in a virtual team. Therefore, this study addrosses the issue on team management that is faced by different online arganizations and ollices nowadays The authors come up with a solution to the manual monitoring of work teams which demands additional manpower and often difficult, costly and time consuming thus contributing to this under roscarched area on virtual teams. An application was developed to monitor the working time of each employee with their respoclive tusks and projects with the use  of chat commands  in a particular massaging  application called Sack. The author's achieved the solution by the used of evilotionary prototyping and gone through phases of analysing prototype  developing and testing each feature before deploying  it in actual online marketing agency. 



How to Cite

B. Palad, E. B., G. Capangpangan, K., S. Correos, M. J., & M. Tabigue, M. (2024). Towards Developing Team Management Software for Online Freelancing Work Office Using the Slack Collaboration Tool. ASIA PACIFIC JOURNAL OF SOCIAL INNOVATION, 30(1), 49–74. Retrieved from