Concept Testing of Modular Graduate Certificate Programs Leading to the Master in Business Management Degree


  • Doryn Kathryn G. Gajo
  • Alita T. Roxas


This study was conducted to test the acceptablity of the concept of modular graduate certificate programs leading to the Master in Business Management (MBM) degree in the cities of lligan, Marawi, Cagayan de Oro, and Ozamiz, as well a in key municipalities in Lanao del Norte Acceptability has been measured through the respondents' intentions: whether to enroll or not in these certificate programs if already avail-able; whether to enroll in only some of these certificate programs or in all of them; and among those who chose the latter option, whether to have the certificate programs credited for the MBM degree or not. The respondents' intentions have been correlated with their demographic profile as well as with their geographic locations making use of logit analysis. The respondents' educational attainment and occupation were found to affect the intention to enroll or not to enroll. Their field of specialization, number of years of employment, age, educational attain-ment and place of residence, meanwhile, explain their intention to enroll in only some or in all of the certificate programs. Their number of years of employment and imployer category affect their decision to have the certificate programs credited for the MBM degree. A price sensitivity test was also conducted to determine the respondents' price expectations on the certificate courses.



How to Cite

G. Gajo, D. K., & T. Roxas, A. (2024). Concept Testing of Modular Graduate Certificate Programs Leading to the Master in Business Management Degree . ASIA PACIFIC JOURNAL OF SOCIAL INNOVATION, 16(1), 21–48. Retrieved from

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